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How to Make Banana Cake With the holiday seasons approaching, it becomes important to maintain a well planned dinner with proper appetizers, main courses and cocktails and not to mention the much awaited and loved deserts. Everyday you need some good ideas for the menu otherwise, you would hear complaints that the dinner is monotonous. It is also increasing important that you make your kids enjoy dinner at home otherwise they would fill stomach with junk food, which you would not appreciate. So, it is not a bad idea to try out few good dishes at home and surprise everyone with your newly acquired culinary skills. If you want some ideas on making good cakes for the holiday season, then you can always try out the simpler ones first. The banana cake is easy to make and is nutritious and yummy at the same time. Here is the list of ingredients you would need to make a delightful banana cake : Three medium bananas (ripe ones are good). Two cups of self-raising flour One ...